Bookcases: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 15:55, 5 October 2013

The Bookcase is one of many functions and features included in the Bibliocraft mod.

Its basic purpose is for storage and decoration. If you're looking for a quick way to put away some books you wrote or some enchantment books you found, the bookcase is the answer.

Bookcases also enchance enchanting table level per book added to bookcases (more than having normal bookshelves surrounding).

There are four different types of Bookcases: Oak, Spruce, Birch and Jungle. Bookcases can store 16 books total and can be used as a fuel source.


Oak Wood Plank

Oak Wood Plank

Oak Wood Plank

Oak Wood Slab

Oak Wood Slab

Oak Wood Slab

Oak Wood Plank

Oak Wood Plank

Oak Wood Plank

Oak Bookcase

Spruce Wood Plank

Spruce Wood Plank

Spruce Wood Plank

Spruce Wood Slab

Spruce Wood Slab

Spruce Wood Slab

Spruce Wood Plank

Spruce Wood Plank

Spruce Wood Plank

Spruce Bookcase

Birch Wood Plank

Birch Wood Plank

Birch Wood Plank

Birch Wood Slab

Birch Wood Slab

Birch Wood Slab

Birch Wood Plank

Birch Wood Plank

Birch Wood Plank

Birch Bookcase

Jungle Wood Plank

Jungle Wood Plank

Jungle Wood Plank

Jungle Wood Slab

Jungle Wood Slab

Jungle Wood Slab

Jungle Wood Plank

Jungle Wood Plank

Jungle Wood Plank

Jungle Bookcase


This mod only supports vanilla wood varieties: Oak, Birch, Spruce, and Jungle.

Other Uses

The Bookcase will also provide a Redstone signal if a Redstone Book is placed on the shelf. The power of the Redstone signal produced correlates directly with the location of the book on a scale of 0-15. Placing the Redstone Book in the upper-left corner of the shelf produces Redstone Signal 0 (off). Placing it in the second slot from the left of the upper shelf produces Redstone Signal strength 1. Third slot is Redstone signal strength 2, and so-forth. Placing the book on the bottom-right shelf produces the maximum Redstone signal strength of 15.


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