
The Bear is a neutral mob that appears in Hexxit. When killed, they drop Raw Beef and sometimes Fur Pelts and Scrap Meat. There are 3 types of bears: Black Bears, Brown Bears, and Polar Bears.

Black Bears

Black Bear
Added by

Project Zulu

Health Points


Attack Strength




Black Bears are the smallest of the three bears. They have 15 health, and do 2 hearts of damage when they attack.

Brown Bears

Brown Bear
Added by

Project Zulu

Health Points


Attack Strength




Brown Bears are medium sized bears. They have 20 health, and do 2 1/2 hearts of damage when they attack.

Polar Bears

Polar Bear
Added by

Project Zulu

Health Points


Attack Strength




Polar Bears are the largest of the three bears. They have 25 health, and do 3 hearts of damage when they attack. They can be found in Snow based biomes (Taiga, Snowy Forest, Glacier, Ice Wastelands)

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