Cloak of Distortion

Cloak of Distortion
Cloak of Distortion






The Cloak of Distortion is an item that when right clicking it, it toggles the invisibility effect on the player if it has a charge. if you sneak and right click where you are looking, you teleport at the cost of one ender pearl in your inventory. merely having it in your inventory while it is toggled to make you invisible will allow it to work. It consumes an ender pearl in your inventory automatically for charge the first time you right click it, and can only be charged with one ender pearl at a time, so when the charge runs out you must recharge it. One ender pearl gives it 2 minutes of charge.

It consumes one Ender Pearl when teleporting with it, however it has a teleport range of almost the entire field of vision, making this item better than Ender Pearls, and it offers the option of toggling on two minutes of invisibility effect. In order to not waste the charge, this invisibility effect can be toggled off with another right click.

Ender pearls can be farmed with an endermen farm in the End rather easily, so this offers a superior alternative over using potions or elixirs.


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Cloak of Distortion

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