Exorcism Magazine

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Exorcism Magazine
Exorcism Magazine

Xeno's Reliquary






Yes (64)

Exorcism Magazine is an item added by Xeno's Reliquary. It is used as ammo for the Hunter's Handgun. Exorcism Shots are most effective on zombies, skeletones, and other undead mobs. Upon hitting them with an Exorcism Shot it will deal 5 to 6 additional damage compared to hitting a non-undead mob. It will still trigger the Nether's Zombie Pigman disliking toward the player and can still swarm the player, which may end up badly for the player if used in large crowds.


Exorcism Shot

Exorcism Shot

Exorcism Shot

Exorcism Shot

Exorcism Shot

Exorcism Shot

Exorcism Shot

Exorcism Shot

Empty Magazine

Exorcism Magazine

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