Fur Armor

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Fur Armor

Fur Armor is an armor which is crafted with fur pelts. They can be dropped by various mobs. It can also be found in random dungeons such as battle towers as loot from the chests. This armor gives you 3 1/2 armor points and is considered beginning game material, due to its low protection and the fact that it's easy to obtain. It is recommended only to use this armor as a temporary protection if you do not have armor available. It is essentially the same as leather, and seeing as each fur pelt can be crafted into a leather, it is more of a looks armor than anything else.


Fur Cloth Helmet

Fur Pelt

Fur Pelt

Fur Pelt

Fur Pelt

Fur Pelt

Fur Cloth Helmet

Fur Cloth Chestplate

Fur Pelt

Fur Pelt

Fur Pelt

Fur Pelt

Fur Pelt

Fur Pelt

Fur Pelt

Fur Pelt

Fur Cloth Chestplate

Fur Cloth Leggings

Fur Pelt

Fur Pelt

Fur Pelt

Fur Pelt

Fur Pelt

Fur Pelt

Fur Pelt

Fur Cloth Leggings

Fur Cloth Boots

Fur Pelt

Fur Pelt

Fur Pelt

Fur Pelt

Fur Cloth Boots

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