Ghost Block

The Ghost Block is a trap block, as it appears to be a solid block but can be walked through. It takes the exact appearance of whatever material touches its bottom or side, appearing to be a normal solid block. However, it breaks like wool and gives off particles of its item sprite.


The rotten flesh may be replaced with wool of any color.

Camoflage Paste

Rotten Flesh

Camoflage Paste

Rotten Flesh

Rotten Flesh

Camoflage Paste

Rotten Flesh

Camoflage Paste

Ghost Block


  • Redstone may be placed on top of it, however it will not allow redstone to travel down the block by any means but redstone current can travel up the block. This behavior can allow an implies gate, which means A implies B to happen but B doesn't mean A happens.
  • When attempting to use this block on blocks that connect textures, the Ghost Block will make connection with the nearby blocks but they will fail to connect to the Ghost Block.
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