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Glowstone Dust is an item added by vanilla Minecraft.
By using the Tome of Alkahest, the amount of glowstone can be doubled for every redstone used in the recipe.
It can be used in crafting Golden Lanterns, Shrouded Pressure Plates, Condensed Solvent, Condensed Splash Serum, Glowing Water, Elixer of Speed [sic], Elixer of Digging [sic], Elixer of Strength [sic], Elixer of Healing [sic], Elixer of Bounding [sic], Ablative Protection, Alchemical Potence, Alchemical Celerity, Splash Acid Serum, Splash Slowing Serum, Splash Weakness Serum, Splash Wither Serum, Splash Ruination Serum, Magic Map Focus.
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