Immibis Microblocks

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Immibis Microblocks
Author(s) Unknown
Website Unknown
Latest Version (MC Version) Unknown (Unknown)
Used Version (MC Version) Unknown (Unknown)

Immibis Microblocks is a mod that adds hundres of new blocks called microblocks, as well as a new tool called the Hacksaw.

The Hacksaw

The Hacksaw is the most essential item in the mod. It requires 2 diamonds and 4 iron to make a Hacksaw. Once the Hacksaw is made, you can then start making your beautiful creations with blocks smaller than you'd ever thought were possible in minecraft!

Iron Ingot


Iron Ingot


Iron Ingot

Iron Ingot


The Microblocks

Microblocks are blocks that are cut down to a much smaller size than their original block, allowing to say, create carpets without it taking up 2 blocks space (though its not a visual 2 blocks, it still technically takes up 2 blocks.) Microblocks CANNOT be found in the NEI pages so to use them in creative, you will have to spawn yourself a hacksaw, crafting table, and whatever block needed. Note: Microblocks work with MOST blocks, some mod blocks are not compatible.

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