Kitty Comet

Kitty Comet
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Falling Meteors

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A fully grown Comet Kitty standing to a baby Comet Kitten.
File:Comet kitty.png

The Kitty Comet will appear on a very rare occurence. There will be a massive meteor shower that will rain down comet kitties from space. While these comets cause a lot of damage, they also leave the rare comet Kitty behind.


Comet Kitties are black cats wearing space helmets, probably from travelling from outer space.


Comet Kitties can be tamed just as one might tame an Ocelot. The player must approach it 'slowly' to prevent scaring the cat away before it is tamed with Raw Fish. Like Ocelots, they scare Creepers away. However, unlike normal cats, Comet Kitties are completely resistant to fire damage (able to survive in Lava). They also have more health than Ocelots.


  • Dying to a Kitty Comet crashing can result in a loss of gear, because the crash is an explosion and can destroy floating items.


  • They can be bred with tamed Ocelots (Cats), and will always result in a normal cats, not Comet Kitties.
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