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Labels are items added by Bibliocraft. They come in the four standard wood types (Oak, Spruce, Birch, and Jungle). They are similar to an item frame that holds 3 different blocks or items. To place items inside the wooden label, sneak then right click on the label with an empty hand.

The label will emit light of any light-emitting block in it, e.g. glowstone.


Oak Wood Slab

Oak Wood Slab

Oak Wood Slab

Oak Wood Slab

Oak Wood Slab

Oak Wood Slab

Oak Wood Label

Spruce Wood Slab

Spruce Wood Slab

Spruce Wood Slab

Spruce Wood Slab

Spruce Wood Slab

Spruce Wood Slab

Spruce Wood Label

Birch Wood Slab

Birch Wood Slab

Birch Wood Slab

Birch Wood Slab

Birch Wood Slab

Birch Wood Slab

Birch Wood Label

Jungle Wood Slab

Jungle Wood Slab

Jungle Wood Slab

Jungle Wood Slab

Jungle Wood Slab

Jungle Wood Slab

Jungle Wood Label

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