Legia Bow

Legia Bow
Legia Bow

More Bows!







Legia Bow delivers fast, 2-3 shots while only consuming one arrow. Only one of the fired arrows is collectible. The draw speed is faster than the Iron Bow's draw speed.

This bow can be found in chests in dungeons or battle towers.


Iron Ingot

Iron Bow

Iron Bow




Legia Bow


  • When using an Anvil, The Legia bow is able to be renamed and enchanted with any enchantment, as well as repaired if the user uses another Legia bow to repair it with.
  • The number of arrows fired - two or three - appears to be randomly determined.  This is not controlled by the archer.
  • The grouping of the arrows on impact also appears to be random.  They may hit in almost the exact place, one block apart vertically, or up to three blocks apart horizontally.


  • When using elemental arrows like the Ice Arrow in creative mode, it will still use up the arrow.
  • When the Legia Bow fires three arrows at the cost of one, two arrows are able to be picked up instead of just one. This results in a duplicate arrow.


  • It is possible to hit multiple targets in one shot.
  • a power 10 legia bow can deal over 50 damage
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