Miniature Red Heart

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Miniature Red Heart
Miniature Red Heart

Tinkers' Construct






Yes (10)

Miniature Red Heart is an item added by Tinkers' Construct. These are random rare drops from all mobs, the fastest way to get these is to have a mob farm and search through the large amount of loot from mobs that have been killed by it, until on is found.

The Miniature Red Heart is used to craft a Health canister with a Jeweled Apple and Necrotic Bone, which when consumed gives you one additional heart. (2 HP) This boost is permanent. (consuming 10 gives you double your maximum health, from 10 hearts to 20. This makes your cap 40 HP.)


Jeweled Apple

Empty Canister

Necrotic Bone

Miniature Red Heart

Heart Canister

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