
The Necronimocon is a book of magic added by the Harken Scythe mod. It is powered by blood from a Blood Keeper or Blood Vessel and can be used to turn the souls of mobs into friendly spectral versions. These spectral mobs will not attack you even if you attack them and will spawn with half health. You can "tame" these spectral mobs by giving them a Creep Ball. T

hey will then follow you around and fight for you. They will slowly lose health over time, but you can increase their lifespan by giving them blood from a Blood Keeper or Blood Vessel. 


The Necronomicon can only be crafted with five necronomicon pages bordering a square of rotten flesh. Necronomicon pages cannot be crafted, but can be found as random drops from bosses, in random chests, and by chance of being sold by villagers for a large sum of emeralds. They are rarely inside of the starting chest if you select bonus chest at world generation.

These pages are most easily found in high-tier battle tower chests.

Necronomicon Page

Rotten Flesh

Rotten Flesh

Necronomicon Page

Rotten Flesh

Rotten Flesh

Necronomicon Page

Necronomicon Page

Necronomicon Page



Using the Necronomicon to raise the dead Steps:

1. Create a Soul of a creature by Reaping it with a scythe or killing with a Soulsteal Augmented weapon.

2. Stand within 3 blocks of the soul/ souls (Multiple souls can be ReAnimated at a time).

3. Right Click and hold with the Necronomicon in hand till it completes its casting. (Cost 10 units of blood per soul)

4. Tame the Newly spawned Spectral Pet with a Creepball. (Right click) *Newly tamed pets are sitting, right click with open hand to make them stand*

5. Feed the Spectral Pet blood if the player wished to extend the spawn life of the pet.

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