Nether Cities

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Overview of a Nether City

Nether Cities are huge cities that are made of Nether Brick and decorated with glowstone. They house Pigmen which are seperate from their Zombie Pigman counter-parts. Pigmen can only spawn through limited spawners.


The Nether Cities boast huge houses/apartments. There seem to be Blacksmith shops and Prisons. As well as something I can only describe as a boss tower. There seem to be huts and an enchanting tower as well.


These buildings hold the best loot with a number of arrows, fire charges, chests, dispensers, furnaces, crafting tables and two anvils and other random blocks, backpacks, armor, and weapons. Their porch is made of Nether brick, and Nether brick fences. The iron door leads to the living areas.


Three story houses that come in different makes and models. Some boast trap rooms, dripping lava, balconies, paintings, some even have wool. Not enough loot to bother with.


Tend to hold armor and weapons. You can find Pigman trapped in cells made of Nether brick fences and Nether brick. Not too much loot but worth exploration.

Boss Tower

These are four story buildings that hold two Pig Mages and random pigman spawns. No other loot.


Very small, one-story buildings that have soul sand and netherwart on the porch. The inside contains a chest or two with random loot.

Enchanting Tower

Large open structures that contain Water and Lapiz blocks. There is glowstone and an enchanting table on top. Mining any of the Lapiz will trigger lava to fall so be careful.


Another Large open structure that contains rails, powered rails, activator rails, and a minecart.

Treasure Room

A building with two stories containg many paintings, item frames, and loot inside of the item frames. 

It should also be noted that there is an Obsidian and Glowstone "tree" in the town square.

Clearing the city

To clear the city it is highly recommended to have either enchanted Iron armor, Meterorite, or Diamond. The pigmen will attack you relentlessly. Using bows, spears, swords, and shields. The Pig healer will use a healing staff to heal his friends, and the Pig mage: Magic, Life steal, and summoning undead allies. It is recommended to use a bow or other projectile, however a melee weapon could work if you target archers and healers first.


  • There are many furnaces and dispensers that can only be crafted with cobblestone, unobtainable in the Nether. This lead to the assumption that pigmen evolved from pigs in the Overworld, and then moved to the Nether.
  • The buildings may contain beds.  If you attempt to sleep in the Nether, the bed will explode.
  • The Pigman have "mines" that contain rails and minecarts. Which both require parts from the Overworld.
  • The pigman have paintings. Again, Overworld materials.
  • Because of spawning rules Nether cities may distort nether forteresses. Making them that much more difficult.
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