Nether Quartz

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Nether Quartz
Nether Quartz







Yes (64)

Visit the Minecraft Wiki for basic information about Nether Quartz

Nether Quartz is an item added by vanilla Minecraft.

A bunch of Nether Quartz ores.

Nether Quartz ore is one of the few ores you can gather in the nether, it can be mined with any pickaxe.

The Nether Quartz ore is also available in vanilla Minecraft only as a building material, but there is several things you can do with it in Hexxit.

What's new?

  • Two Swords (Normal and Giant)
  • Two Shields (Normal and Gilded)
  • An Axe
  • A Hoe (Known as Kama, but cannot be crafted)
  • A Pickaxe
  • A Shovel


When you mine the Nether Quartz you get the Quartz itself but not the ore.

You can craft 3 things with the ores, a giant sword, a shield and a Block of Quartz.

To craft the Quartz Giant Sword, you will need 1 Blaze Rod and 6 Nether Quartz Ores.

The Block of Quartz can then be crafted into various of building materials, like Chiseled Quartz Blocks, Pillar Quartz Blocks, Quartz Stairs and Quartz Slabs.

With any of the blocks except the Quartz Slabs and Quartz Stairs, You can create all of the regular tools and a sword except the Hoe (Which is a "Kama" but cannot be crafted)

Note: To create the normal sword and tools you need Ghostwood Sticks.


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