Quiver (LegendGear)









The LegendGear quiver allows the player to carry up to 200 arrows in a single slot.

Not to be confused with Better Storage's Quiver


You may acquire this item as loot from dungeons or make it yourself with at least one arrow and leather.


You can fill the quiver by holding it in your hand and right-clicking where it will consume any arrows it finds in your inventory up to the 200 arrow limit. You can take out arrows by shift right-clicking with the quiver at hand.


  • If you have a quiver and a bomb bag, both non-empty, you can crouch while shooting to fire a bomb arrow! They don't go as far, but they explode on impact!
File:Grid Quiver (LegendGear) 999.png
File:Grid Quiver (LegendGear) 1000.png
  • Using any method to cheat items in, you could give yourself a quiver with more than 200 arrows in it. The quiver uses the damage value to count arrows.
  • The quiver doesn't render on your character's chest whether you have a chestplate on or not.


  • On-screen GUI does not show number of arrows inside quiver in total, arrows still count.
  • Shift-clicking on a quiver or bomb bag in the output slot while filling it from the crafting grid can, under some circumstances, cause loss of ammo. (There shouldn't be a reason to shift-click it, since it's unstackable.)
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