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Tombstones in a graveyard.
A Tombstone at a deathpoint.
An edited Tombstone.
Tombstones are objects in Hexxit that appear in randomly generated Graveyards.
In Graveyards, there are usually suits of Haunted Armor that will come to life when you get close to them. Before that, they resemble piles of armor in chain, iron, gold, or diamond.
If a player with name longer than 10 characters, upon death, the tombstone will have the player name (not fully written because of length-limit) written 4 times (probably it is trying to write the full name again and again).A Bugged Tombstone that can't display long nickname
If player's death is caused by something, the tombstone usually doesn't have enough space for writing the whole message (most common example is "player burned to death whilst fighting <mob>").
Sometimes an empty tombstone will spawn instead of a written tombstone upon player death.
Tombstones are non-solid blocks and therefore do not have a collision box (you can run straight through it).
Without a pickaxe, breaking tombstone is as fast as breaking Sign with hand. However, unlike signs, Tombstone will not drop without using a pickaxe.