
Towerwood is a type of wood added by the Twilight Forest mod. It is the primary block type that makes up Dark Towers. It is a more reddish color than vanilla minecraft wood planks. Towerwood comes in five variations (Towerwood, Encased Towerwood, Cracked Towerwood, Mossy Towerwood, and Infested Towerwood). Towerwood is completely immune to fire and cannot burn. Infested Towerwood will spawn Towerwood Borers when broken or another borer is provoked by the player, similar to the Silverfish monster blocks. Only one type of Towerwood may be crafted, the Encased Towerwood.


Towerwood may be made from Darkwood.

Encased Towerwood may be crafted using Towerwood Planks.

Towerwood Planks

Towerwood Planks

Towerwood Planks

Encased Towerwood

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