
Trees were expanded upon by the Twilight Forest, ExtrabiomesXL, Natura and Project Zulu mods. Vanilla Minecraft contained 4 types of trees, and there are well over 20 in Hexxit.

Tree Name Location Preview Added By Biomes
Oak Overworld Vanilla Minecraft Plains, Forest
Spruce Overworld Vanilla Minecraft Pine Forest, Forest
Birch Overworld Vanilla Minecraft Forest, Birch Forest
Jungle Overworld Vanilla Minecraft Jungle, Mini-Jungle
Oak Log Overworld Forest
Brown Autumn Overworld ExtrabiomesXL
Orange Autumn Overworld ExtrabiomesXL
Purple Autumn Overworld ExtrabiomesXL
Yellow Autumn Overworld ExtrabiomesXL
Fir Overworld ExtrabiomesXL
Redwood Overworld File:Grid Redwood Wood (ExtrabiomesXL).pngFile:Grid Redwood Wood Plank (ExtrabiomesXL).pngFile:Grid Redwood Sapling (ExtrabiomesXL).png ExtrabiomesXL
Acacia Overworld ExtrabiomesXL Savannah
Palm Overworld Project Zulu Beaches
Maple Overworld Natura
Silverbell Overworld Natura
Amaranth Overworld Natura Jungle
Tigerwood Overworld Natura
Willow Overworld Natura
Redwood Overworld File:Grid Redwood Wood (Natura).pngFile:Grid Redwood Wood Plank (Natura).pngFile:Grid Redwood Sapling (Natura).png Natura
Eucalyptus Tree Overworld Natura
Hopseed Overworld Natura
Sakura Overworld Natura
Ghostwood Nether Natura
Bloodwood Nether Natura
Darkwood Nether File:Grid Darkwood Wood (Natura).pngFile:Grid Darkwood Wood Plank (Natura).pngFile:Grid Darkwood Sapling (Natura).png Natura
Fusewood Nether Natura
Sickly Twilight Oak Twilight Forest Twilight Forest
Canopy Tree Twilight Forest Twilight Forest
Twilight Mangrove Twilight Forest Twilight Forest
Darkwood Twilight Forest File:Grid Darkwood Wood (Twilight Forest).pngFile:Grid Darkwood Sapling (Twilight Forest).png Twilight Forest
Robust Twilight Oak Twilight Forest Twilight Forest
Tree of Time Twilight Forest Twilight Forest
Tree of Transformation Twilight Forest Twilight Forest
Miner's Tree Twilight Forest File:Grid Miner's Tree Wood.png Twilight Forest
Sorting Tree Twilight Forest Twilight Forest
Rainbow Oak Twilight Forest Twilight Forest


  • Cutting down a Redwood added by Natura or an Oak Log Tree while Treecapitator is active can cause the game to stop responding due to the amount items dropping.


  • The Tigerwood tree may be a play on the golfer, Tiger Woods, but is more likely in relation to any one of three of the tropical tree species.
  • The Silverbell, added by Natura, should not be confused with the Silverwood, added by Thaumcraft, which was removed during Hexxit's alpha stage.
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