Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale
Turtle Scale

Better Dungeons


Mob drop




Yes (64)

Turtle Scale is an item added by the Better Dungeons mod.  Six scales are dropped by the Turtle Boss when killed by a player.  Turtle Scales are used to craft Turtle Scale Armor, which have the protection of iron armor and a durability higher than diamond armor. The full set of Turtle Scale Armor also adds a healing buff when worn.


Turtle Helmet

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale Helmet

Turtle Plate

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale Plate

Turtle Pants

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale

Turtle Pants

Turtle Boots

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale

Turtle Scale

Turtle Boots

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