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Added by the Xeno's Reliquary mod, it is an upgrade to the void tears already in the mod. The following description comes directly from the author.
You may want a more permanent, dedicated solution: use a sealed (Blue) Void Tear to create a Void Satchel. Void Satchels start off weak (they can hold only 64 of an item).
Upgrading them for 3 Empty Void Tears permanently increases their capacity by 192. There is no hard-coded limit to the number of times you may upgrade a bag.
Unlike Void Tears, Void Satchels are automatic; as long as they are turned on they will continuously pull their item type into themselves until full.
Controls - Right clicking a chest/inventory tries to empty the satchel into that inventory. - If not a chest/inventory, right clicking the top of a block (read: aim at ground) spits out a stack. - Holding shift while right clicking a chest/inventory will instead take as much of its item type from the inventory as possible. -Right clicking will try to turn the satchel off unless you're clicking a chest.
You can tell when a Satchel is deactivated, because it will not have an "enchantment glow".
Expanding bag capacity, this recipe is shapeless
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