Haste Potion

Haste Potion

Project Zulu







Haste Potion is a brewable potion provided by the Project Zulu mod brewing system that allows the player to mine faster.  There are three tiers of Haste Potion, varying in speed and duration.  Longer durations are available by using a Shiny Potion instead of an Awkward Potion as the brewing base.


Potion of Haste

Name Ingredients Input >> Output
Potion of Haste (4:30) Small Heart +
Awkward Potion

Small Heart

Awkward Potion

Potion of Haste

Potion of Haste (4:30) Small Unhealthy Heart +
Awkward Potion

Small Unhealthy Heart

Awkward Potion

Potion of Haste

Potion of Haste (12:00) Redstone +
Potion of Haste (4:30)


Potion of Haste

Potion of Haste

Potion of Haste II

Name Ingredients Input >> Output
Potion of Haste II (2:15) Glowstone Dust +
Potion of Haste (4:30)

Glowstone Dust

Potion of Haste

Potion of Haste

Potion of Haste II (13:30) Small Heart +
Shiny Potion

Small Heart

Shiny Potion

Potion of Haste

Potion of Haste II (13:30) Small Unhealthy Heart +
Shiny Potion

Small Unhealthy Heart

Shiny Potion

Potion of Haste

Haste III

Name Ingredients Input >> Output
Potion of Haste III (4:52) Glowstone Dust +
Potion of Haste II (9:45/13:30)

Glowstone Dust

Potion of Haste

Potion of Haste


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