Keys (BetterStorage)

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Keys (BetterStorage)








For Locks added by Legend Gear, see Locks (LegendGear).

Keys are a type of item added by Better Storage. There are two standard variants of key, one that appears completely gold and the other of iron. They serve no difference in functionality and only have a visual difference. Keys are required to be made before a lock can be crafted for the key.


Gold Nugget

Gold Nugget

Gold Ingot

Gold Ingot

Gold Ingot


Gold Nugget

Gold Nugget

Iron Ingot

Gold Ingot

Gold Ingot

Gold Ingot

Key Iron


Iron Ingot

Key Iron

Color Coding

The third column in the crafting recipes can be filled up with any of the vanilla Minecraft dyes. The colors will combine to form a solid band on the key.


Keys can be enchanted for breaking into other locks, or turning into the proper key. The Lockpicking enchantment can also remove the lock.

  • Lockpicking (I-V) - Opens / Unlocks a locked block once, then decreases the enchantment level.
  • Unlocking (I-V) - Has the ability to open more locks than those which were crafted from it. 100% chance to open an unechanted lock.
  • Morphing (I-V) - Permanently changes the key into the one that would fit another lock.
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