Lumber Axe

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Lumber Axe

Tinkers' Construct







A bugged lumber axe, usually from Battle Towers

Lumber Axe is an item type from Tinkers' Construct that is an upgrade to the axe. It requires a Large Plate, Tough Tool Rod, Broad Axe Head and Tough Tool Binding. It is crafted by only using the Tool Forge as the Lumber Axe isn't an option for the Tool Station.


  • Felling Trees (made obsolete by the tree capitator mod; however this may be useful on trees to which the mod does not work on)
  • Has a 3x3x3 area of effect
  • Average damage value


The Lumber Axe is an advanced tool from the Tinker's Construct mod and as such requires the Tool Forge to be created. It is composed of a broad axe head, large plate, tough binding, and tough tool rod.


  • There are some tree types (such as the bark of larger trees) that will not be chopped down with a Lumber Axe.

Bugged Item

Lumber Axe is found in Battle Towers as a bugged item, as it has the sprite of a multicolored square, and is a crashing machine, unlike the real Lumber Axe that is created using a Tool Forge.

In Battle Towers, Lumber Axes in chest do stack, however when you 'unstack' it, it can't be stacked again

If you right click on the wall with it, you will place a torch(Verification Needed), and the game will crash. If it is used to destroy anything will cause your game to crash, and the block you targeted will not be destroyed.

It is recommended to avoid using this bugged item and may be better off leaving it behind.


Lumber Axe (From battletower) is not the only item using this sprite, ANY Tinker's Construct item that is obtained by using the /give command will have this sprite.

  • It's unknown if the bugged item sprite was created by accident or by author itself for making a placeholder sprite, but it's possible it has been made by author, as glitches aren't that nice.
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