Rapier is a new weapon added by the Tinkers' Construct mod. They can be crafted, modified, and repaired at the Tool Station or Tool Forge.
To craft, place a Tool Rod, Crossbar, and Sword Blade in the correct slots of the Rapier tab in the Tool Station, when making tools or weapons in the Tool Station you can add a custom name to them.
Material | Effect |
Diamond | +500 uses to a tool. |
Emerald | +50% uses to a tool. |
Ball of Moss | Tool slowly repairs itself. (Repairs faster in sunlight.) |
Lava Crystal | Sets mobs on fire. |
Quartz | Increases attack damage. (Requires multiple) |
Blaze Powder | Sets enemies on fire. (Requires multiple) |
Necrotic Bone | Vampiric attack. |
Battery + Circuit | Electric charge. (IC2 only). |
Block of Gold + Diamond | +1 Modifier. |
Nether Star | +1 Modifier. |
If you add more than one of the same type of modifier it will use up the next modifier slot and will upgrade the tool/weapon further in that field. e.g. Adding more than the max amount of quartz for one modifier slot (72) it will use up another modifier slot but raise the max amount of quartz to 144.
Rapiers have a low durablity and will become "broken" after use. When the rapier is broken the backpedal ability is still usable. The Rapier cannot be enchanted using the Enchanting Table, and is not repairable at the Anvil or the Enchanting Table. They can however be modified and repaired at the Tool Station.
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