Soul Crucible

An enemy ectoplasm from the soul crucible!

The Soul Crucible is an item fundamental to crafting in the Harken Scythe mod. It's purpose is to hold souls for a nearby Altar of Souls to draw souls from. The crucible is filled with souls from your Soul Keepers and Soul Vessels. After crafting the crucible, place it near your altar (max 1 block between the crucible and the altar, like a bookshelf to a Enchantment Table). The Soul Crucible can hold 50 souls per crucible. Any crafting taking place at the altar will deduct souls from your crucible to power it's ensorcelling.

If the soul crucible is smashed while holding souls, it will spawn multiple ectoplasm mobs. Ectoplasm are identical to slimes. Ectoplasm and Hemoglobin alike can be instantly killed/divided by right-clicking on them while holding an empty essence keeper/vessel.

Crafting Recipe

7 Obsidian

1 Enderpearl




Ender Pearl





Soul Crucible


There must not be any obstacle between the crucible(s) and the altar, otherwise the altar will not "find" the souls

This torch is enough to block 2 of the 3 soul crucibles to work with the altar

stored in the crucible(s) that has been blocked.

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