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Blast resistance |
6,000 |
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Stackable |
Yes (64) |
Flammable |
No |
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Created when a source block of water or lava is contacted by a flowing lava or water block (respectively), obsidian is not hard to come by. However, it is difficult to harvest. A diamond pickaxe is necessary for harvesting, and without any enchantments, you will need to mine the block for about 9 seconds.
It can also be obtained when the Kreknorite Meteor from the Falling Meteors Mod begins to cool. Kreknorite blocks will cool into Obsidian, and this results in Obsidian being readily available on the Overworld surface.
Obsidian can also be smelted at the Smeltery to produce Obsidian Ingots, which can be used in conjunction with the Tinkers' Construct mod to produce weapons and tools. Doing this may also produce Obsidian Chunks, which can then be used to produce other Obsidian parts or repair broken Obsidian tools. Pouring Obsidian into a Casting Basin will result in a normal Obsidian block instead of a block of ore (such as Copper, Iron, Brass, etc.).
Obsidian is used in the crafting of Obsidian Brick, Altar of Light, Altar of Souls, Soul Crucible, Skybeam Block, Ender Shield, Ender Giant Sword, Industrial Blast Wall, Industrial Glass Wall, Storage Capsule Station, Scale Armor, and Obsidian Pressure Plate. It can also be smelted in a Smeltery for 288mB of molten obsidian.
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