Whirlwind Boots

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Whirlwind Boots
Whirlwind Boots








Whirlwind boots are boots that give the player 3 special abilities: reduced fall damage, super sprint speed, and the ability to sprint on water. They are made by making a wind medallion (4 gold nuggets on the outer corners, an arrow in the center, and bricks in the remaining slots). Then, the player must charge the medallion by taking arrow damage until the charge bar disappears on the medallion icon. Finally, the player makes the boots (gold ingots in the top 2 corners, wool directly underneath the gold ingots, and the fully charged medallion between the wool). Unlike Cloud Boots, which do not take damage from special ability use, the whirlwind boots do take damage from ability use meaning the durability is severely reduced.


Gold Ingot


Wind Medallion

Gold Ingot


Whirlwind Boots


If trying to enchant whirlwind boots with the Enchanting Plus mod,you are able to enchant it. However, none of the enchants will have any effect on the boots, and it will also not allow you to repair them. Trying to enchant them using the vanilla gui will do nothing.  

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