Materials and You

Materials and You
Materials and You

Tinkers' Construct






Yes (64)

Materials and You is an instructional book for starting the Tinkers' Construct mod. The first volume automatically appears in the player's inventory when they spawn. It contains information for crafting the Blank PatternStencil TablePart BuilderPattern ChestTool StationSeared BricksSmeltery ControllerSeared GlassSeared WindowCasting Table, and Seared Faucet.

To get the second volume, craft either the Stencil Table, Tool Station, Pattern Chest, or Part Builder. This volume contains information on the tools, materials, and modifiers in the Tinkers' Construct mod. 

The third volume, Mighty Smelting, is obtained once you craft any of the Smeltery parts.


The different volumes can also be crafted by using the following recipes

Volume 1

Volume 2

Mighty Smelting


Volume 1

Volume 2

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